In a world filled with unrest, unwanted chatter, societal pressure, and overwhelming obligations, as a therapist, I sit with clients and listen to their hurts, needs, and desires. I help them to make sense of all the things that rob them of their peace. My job is to help clients unburden themselves and find strength within. I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is an organized, short-term, present-oriented psychotherapy for solving current problems and changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. I also incorporate coping skills and behavioral changes.
I'm a therapist with Octave and Evernorth Behavioral Care Group. Octave is a mental health practice providing high-quality care covered by multiple insurances. Evernorth Behavioral Care Group is a behavioral health provider group in-network with Cigna Healthcare and Evernorth. For my availability, please reach out to Octave’s team by emailing or calling.
Theresa Thomason is in network for the following plans:
Aetna Aetna Student Health Cigna and EvernorthI can provide you with paperwork for reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network sessions.