I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina practicing for almost 20 years. Serving the mental health needs of all community members is very important to me and the reason why I have become a strong advocate for equitable care for everyone. I have worked in various mental health settings through the years, primarily serving individuals who have experienced trauma, adversity, grief, depression, and anxiety. My compassion for people, years of working in demanding environments, and close connections to the military have allowed me to easily make connections and support others in their journey.
I'm a therapist with Octave and Evernorth Behavioral Care Group. Octave is a mental health practice providing high-quality care covered by multiple insurances. Evernorth Behavioral Care Group is a behavioral health provider group in-network with Cigna Healthcare and Evernorth. For my availability, please reach out to Octave’s team by emailing or calling.
Barbara Martin is in network for the following plans:
Aetna Aetna Student Health Cigna and EvernorthI can provide you with paperwork for reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network sessions.